Thursday, September 26, 2013

Marathon Training Update (Week 15)

This Week's Recap:

Runs: 3
Total Miles: 29
Long Run: 20  (crazy!)

Saturday was a big day... I had September 21 marked on my calendar for a long time.  The 20 mile run is the peak of the marathon training.  I was nervous going into it because I've been dealing with some problems with my right foot.  The run went really well.  My foot bothered me for the first 6 miles and then I got into a rhythm and it held up okay.

It was a beautiful morning, and there were so many moments where God gave me the gift of His presence and strength.  Some of the things I love about running are being out in God's creation, alone, and listening to worship music.  It provides the opportunity for special moments between God and me.  The finish of the 20 mile was a taste of what I hope the end of the marathon will feel like.  Pure joy... thanking God for His faithfulness and strength and the opportunity to run!

P.S. My foot is still a problem, and I'm having trouble walking these days. Uh-oh!  I'm going to lay off running for a few more days and continue to ice and compress it.  I'm trying not to worry about it and instead trying to choose to trust God.  But I'd be lying if I said I'm not nervous about it given the marathon is about 2 weeks away.  I would covet your prayers for God's healing for my foot.      

Monday, September 16, 2013


I'm back into a rhythm of training and am very grateful to get in 4 runs this week with a long of 15 miles.  I'm feeling close to 100% after recovering from bronchitis, and I'm gearing up for the peak training run of 20 miles this next weekend.  Even though the sickness and recovery has been frustrating, it has brought me to a new place of dependence on God.  "Weak made strong" has been a motto and prayer for me these days just recognizing how much I need God throughout this journey and can't depend on myself and my own strength.  Dependence doesn't always feel good, but it is a good place to be!

Yesterday at church, we focused the whole service on our partnership in Bolivia with Bethesda Church.  It was a joy to hear our different team members share about their heart for the leaders and children at Bethesda.  I preached a sermon titled "Stakeholders in God's World" calling us to raise the stakes on our investments and relationships in God's work around the world.  I'm very thankful for all that God did and our church's continued partnership with Bethesda.

Our running crew from church, Team Bethesda, has raised $2,900 at this point, and I personally have raised over $1,000.  Praise God!  I'm very grateful for all the people who are giving their resources to partner with what God is doing at Bethesda.  We still have a ways to go to reach our goal, and I want to raise over $1,300 more for these children and youth at Bethesda.  Check out this link to read more:

Just wanted to share all these things to be thankful for!

Marathon Training Update (Week 14)

This Week's Recap:

Runs: 4
Total Miles: 29
Long Run: 15

Marathon Training Update (Week 13)

This Week's Recap:

Runs: 3
Total Miles: 18
Long Run: 10