Well, I'm overjoyed to write that I completed my first half-marathon... the Egg Shell Shuffle at Busse Woods! It was an amazing experience. In the days leading up to the race, I was quite nervous. I was battling a little sickness and wasn't sure how my body would hold up. Also, I was replaying my last race in my mind where I ended up in the ER afterwards and had concerns about repeating that folly! I had never run more than 10 miles in my life and now I was embarking on 13.1. These feelings sum up the big theme throughout my training. Too often in my life, I trust my own strength and abilities. I believe God has been working on me to embrace my own weaknesses and limitations to be able to lean more on His strength.
It was quite chilly upon arrival at the race. Getting there early didn't provide many advantages as I waited for over 30 minutes out in the cold. But the weather warmed up, and it turned out to be an absolutely beautiful morning. I kept telling myself to start slow and don't push it too hard, too early. The first 4 miles I held steady at an easy pace and then at mile 5, I started to pick it up. Usually in a race, I try to find someone ahead of me who is running strong but not too fast that I can't keep up with. That's what I did, and it helped me to focus and get in a groove.
I really began to enjoy the run about the halfway point, and there were some precious moments between God and myself. I love being out in nature and listening to worship music so those two elements help me to spend time with Him when I run.
The last 4 miles, I felt great. I was quite surprised that I didn't hit a major wall and really sensed God's strength and presence throughout the run. My last mile I ran at 7:53 and finished up the half-marathon within my target goal at 1:47:27. I praise God for His goodness in my life and the gift that running has become to me. His strength and presence were rich that day, and I look forward to this continued journey of running for His glory!